Toronto Blue Parking App
The Toronto Blue Parking App serves as a software companion to the Toronto Blue Parking experience. It is used to initially set-up the an account and register a bike to be used in the system, and can help the user locate empty parking spots throughout the city.
Aside from the initial setup, the app is not necessary for the operation of the locks, as the user can simply use their Presto card to lock and unlock their bicycle.
Connecting Presto Card
When signing up, the user will have to insert link their Presto card to the Blue Parking service, as the card is necessary to operate the service. Alternatively, users could link an existing Presto account by pressing "Continue with Presto," which connects to Metrolinx's existing Presto app.
Registering A Bike
A key aspect of how Toronto Blue Parking can deter bike theft is through bike registration. During the initial setup, the user is prompted to insert their bike information such as manufacturer and frame colour. The most crucial piece of information is the frame's serial number, which the user must insert during setup.
Finding Available Locations
Once the setup is done, the app shows available Blue Parking locations throughout the city, indicating how many spots are available at a given spot.
The app would also act as a hub to manage your bikes or to report a stolen bicycle.
Back to Toronto Blue Parking
The Toronto Blue Parking App is only a small part of the user experience. To see the rest of the project, go back to the main Toronto Blue Parking page.